Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My first pennies, I had colored poster blue.
The paint cracked and they were dark, too.
Then I asked for help from someone I knew.
Now I paint them a lighter, brighter hue.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I changed a dollar at My bank today.
(I) had a hundred more pennies; that way
I had more chances to say
We all can give and find more each day.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


blue  /blu/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [bloo] Show IPA noun, adjective, blu⋅er, blu⋅est, verb, blued, blu⋅ing or blue⋅ing.

See images of blue
–noun 1. the pure color of a clear sky; the primary color between green and violet in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 450 and 500 nm.

14. happy.

Monday, December 14, 2009

- U.S. Coins have an expected circulation life of 30 years.

- The U.S. Mint produces 1040 pennies per second, which adds up to 30 million per day. This is over two-thirds of all the coins produced by the U.S. Mint.

- It is estimated there may be 150 billion pennies in circulation.

- Today the United States has four mints, which produce coins. These are in Philadelphia, PA; Denver, CO; San Francisco, CA; and West Point, NY. However, only Denver and Philadelphia produce coins for general circulation. The others make proofs sets and do specialty minting.

about pennies

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I am beginning to feel as though I am talking to myself, which I know is not a healthy sign, so before I start to babble on-line, drop a line.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I have not posted now for several days, but there is certainly more that will be posted. I simply do not wish to get ahead of myself. For instance, it has taken this long for "bluepennynet" to provide any search results on, even though google owns Go figure.

Anyway, there is an orderly progression in mind. There are still questions as to how it will go. Peace for now.

Friday, December 4, 2009

(I) saw two pennies - along River Road.
To pick them up, I had to lay down my load.
Spilled my coffee; that simply showed
Somehow from some streams, sweetness still flowed.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I will take a brief break from verse, even though this will likely turn to verse sometime down the road.

I did meet Lucy today (as I suspected I one day would). She is a real person and, though she offered me her last name as well, will remain anonymous here. Her main concern is to keep her feet dry. She said she had breakfast today when refusing a donut I offered. She knows that many people do not care. I could write more, but for now my previous supposition that she was not resigned was turned around, for which I am in some way grateful to learn.

As another matter, later on my path today, I found a half penny. I will write more on that later, as well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I crossed an older lady with no place to stay.
We both sensed - it would rain that day.
I reached for a dollar, but could not give it away.
She fixed her hat - and went on her way.

I noticed that woman once more that same day.
I mentioned My bench was dry - meaning here she could stay.
I suppose she wasn't resigned to take 'come what may'.
(We) never had a chance to meet - as she sauntered away.

Monday, November 30, 2009

So I'm painting all my pennies blue.
I don't have many, but I've got a few.
And I'll leave them here or there ----- they're meant for you,
In the hope that you may find something, too.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Start of 'Blue Penny'

I found --- a blue penny today.
What it means, I can't rightly say.
(I) couldn't tell if it was lost, or thrown away.
All I know is I found a penny today.

Friday, November 27, 2009


This blog is being constructed for the purpose of extending good will. The first project is initiating a viral movement to draw recognition to pennies, with the ultimate goal of attracting contributions, cyber and real, in art and monetarily, for the benefit of disabled veterans and the homeless (primarily in the USA, but not necessarily exclusively so).